Will Sizoo

Personal Lesson Page:

1) Buzzing the mouthpiece (follow the "loosening up" sheet)

2) Schlossberg
#8-11a (pick on; play one measure only; use a different valve combination each day)
#12-15 (pick on; play one measure only; use a different valve combination each day)
#18-25 ((pick on; play one measure only; use a different valve combination each day)

3) Clarke
Study #3 (start near the middle; play odd or even numbers only each day)

4) Arbans
p 14 #6? (play one exercise a week; slur; connect)
p 24 #7? (play one etude a week)
p 43 #20? (monitor your tempo with a metronome; track improvement)
p 59 #5? (play one exercise a week; move on when you can play at the metronome marking quarter=64)
p 80 (play one exercise each week)
p 125 #1 (play one line a week; use the drones cd for intonation; play slowly)
p 142 #48 (one line a week; various articulations)
p 155 #1? (ttk only)
p 177 #87? (tktk only)

5) Getchell (as marked)

6) Concone (as marked)

7) Classical solo literature
"Andante and Allegretto"

8) Transposition (use the first 10 in the Getchell book; play one exercise each day; change keys when you have played all 10 in C; go on to Eb, E, F and G then down to A and Ab)

9) II-V scales and chords (up and down in various directions from each degree-1, 3, 5, and 7)

10) Jazz Tune work ("Perdido"-memorize the melody; practice chords and scales from various degrees)

11) Solo transcription (Bye Bye Blackbird)

8) Hickman
bending exercise #1

9) Cool Down (follow the "cool down" sheet)